Oct 14 – 18, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone
Registration now open!

The nextGEMS project has entered the production phase and the first global 30-year storm-resolving simulations of a future climate are ready to be analysed. Simulations from both the ICON and the IFS model are available. 

The main hackathon themes are fire weather, (urban) heat extremes, and precipitation extremes. We are interested in validating and analyzing key indicators globally. We cordially invite scientists interested in these research themes to join a one-week hackathon in Wageningen, NL, from 14 to 18 October 2024.

The event will be preceded by a virtual data handling seminar to get everyone on the same page and equip you with tools to hack your way through the following in-person meeting. 

For this event we charge a participation fee of EUR 150, which will cover coffee breaks, lunches and one event dinner.


  • 15 May 2024 -- registration opens
  • 15 June 2024 -- deadline for travel support applications
  • 1 Jul 2024 -- registration closes
  • 14 Jul 2024 -- confirmation of participation
  • 1 Oct 2024 -- participation fee payment deadline
  • 14 Oct 2024 -- Welkom in Wageningen!


For more information, please visit the hackathon website: https://nextgems.pages.gwdg.de/hazard-hackathon/

Wageningen, NL
  • Olivia Romppainen
  • Chiel van Heerwaarden
  • Imme Benedict
  • Heike Konow

The WarmWorld General Assembly will take place in Bremerhaven, Germany, in parallel with this event, on 14-16 Oct 2024. Do you plan on attending both events? Based on the responses during registration for the WarmWorld GA, we will examine the possibility of arranging transport from Bremerhaven to Wageningen on Wed, 16 Oct, in the afternoon.